Temporarily lock it for up to 15 days until you find it or need to report it lost/stolen. You can unlock your card at any time or it will automatically ‘unlock’ after 15 days.
To lock your card go to Services > select Lock card > choose the card you wish to lock.
Mobile Banking is a secure environment, meaning any information entered is protected by encryption. If inactive for more than 10 minutes, access is stopped. Logging out leaves the secure environment.
BankSA Secure Code is a quick and simple way to increase security when doing your Mobile Banking. Click on BankSA Secure to find out more.
Our commitment means we’ll refund your money if an account is compromised due to internet or mobile fraud, as long as our BankSA Internet and Phone Banking Terms and Conditions are complied with. This includes keeping your passwords and Secure Code private and your mobile device secure.
Bank of SA Verify can help you avoid Payment Redirection/Business Email Compromise scams and help prevent payments to incorrect accounts.
When adding a payee, we’ll check the details you’ve entered against the payment history of our other customers within the group. We’ll let you know onscreen if we have previously seen this payee name (or a common variation of), linked to this BSB and account number.
The onscreen status will provide an explanation, as well as steps to take if things don’t seem right, or if we haven’t seen these details before. Follow the steps provided onscreen, including speaking to the payee to confirm details if required, before continuing with your payment.
Remember, you play a part in preventing scams. Double check you’re sending your money to the right person/account.
If you believe your security has been compromised or you notice a transaction you did not make, contact us immediately on 1300 555 203.
Malware, short for malicious software, is an intrusive program fraudsters try to install on your device. Malware can disrupt or slow down operation, gather personal and financial details, extract funds or perform other fraudulent activities under your name.
Some ways to protect yourself from malware:
Scam phone calls - be wary of unexpected calls claiming to be from bank employees asking questions about your account, personal details or SMS codes, or software providers offering to assist with computer or device issues.
If you receive a call you're unsure about:
Email scams, also known as 'phishing' seek to trick people into giving out personal and banking details. Such emails are designed and written to look as though they come from a legitimate business.
Ways to help spot a scam email:
If you answered yes to any one of these questions be aware it may be a scam. Remember, BankSA will never ask you to update, verify or correct your Internet or Mobile Banking details directly in an email reply.
Other tips to help you spot scam emails:
SMS scams - if you receive any unexpected SMS offering free or cheap ring tones, or the chance to win fantastic prizes via text messages, avoid responding and delete the message.
Visit our Security Centre regularly to get up-to-date information of the latest scams and tips on how to better protect yourself against any phone, email, SMS and other threats.
Our privacy policy covers how we handle your personal information. It also describes how to access your information, seek corrections and make complaints.